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Best price guaranteed

  • Free premium Wi-Fi internet connection so you can stay online in the room and anywhere in the hotel.
  • Complimentary early check-in and 3pm late check-out Subject to availability
  • Preferential access to our secret offers & room types

Tolani Hotel the most exclusive privilege.

Benefits and valuable discounts on fine dining, accommodation and other hotel activities

The journey is part of the experience

Mountains and Culture

In Thailand, you can experience a valuable culture that cannot be found in the world. Ancient monuments that hold many historical stories, just close your eyes and step back into an ancient time. Moreover, the perfect nature and the pure nature that is known as the source of the world’s ozone.

  • Chiang Mai Nimman Villa

    With seven stylish bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a fully furnished kitchen, a dining room, and all other modern amenities, X2 Chiang Mai Nimman Villa ensures that guests will spend their vacation in comfort and style, right in the center of the trendy Nimman neighborhood.